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Tuesday, May 12th

12:00 pm​ CST

3:00 pm​ CST

7:00 pm​ CST

Proficiency Results

1st place winners will be recognized again in the 1st General Session

American Degree Recipients

1st General Session​​​

  • Reflections

  • National Anthem

  • Opening Ceremonies

  • Past State Officer Welcome

  • SDSU Greetings from Dean Killifer

  • SD FFA Foundation Presentation

  • Retiring Address - Sami Wiseman

  • PSO Recognition

  • Retiring Address - Blake Pulse

  • Proficiency Winner Recognition

  • Keynote - Lyle Logemann, National FFA Officer

  • New Chapter Charter Recognition

  • Closing Ceremonies

Wednesday, May 13th

12:00 pm​ CST

3:00 pm​ CST

7:00 pm​ CST

State Star Finalist Presentation

Results will be announced in the 2nd General Session

State Degree Recipients

2nd General Session​​​

  • National Anthem

  • Opening Ceremonies

  • SDSU Greetings from President Dunn

  • Retiring Address - Shelby Ruland

  • State Officer Advisor Recognition

  • Retiring Address - Tori Rasmussen

  • Keynote Speaker - Matt Rush

  • State Star Results

  • District Star Greenhand Recogonition

  • State Degree Ceremony

  • Closing Ceremonies

Thursday, May 14th

12:00 pm​ CST

3:00 pm​ CST

7:00 pm​ CST

Agriscience Results

1st place winners will be recognized again in the 3rd General Session

Year in Review

3rd General Session​​​

  • National Anthem

  • Opening Ceremonies

  • Agriscience Winner Recognition

  • Retiring Address - Sadie Vander Wal

  • National Chapter Awards

  • Retiring Address - Nathan Linke

  • State Officer Family Recognition

  • CDE Results

  • Ambassador Recognition - Randi Tivis & Anna Schwader

  • 2020-2021 Ambassador Announcement

  • 2020-2021 State Officer Announcement and Election

  • 2019-2020 State Officer Recognition

  • Closing Ceremonies

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